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Catalogue Raisonneé

Off the printing machines in June 2017, the Catalogue Raisonné of Tino Stefanoni’s works – published by Allemandi – was presented on 7 September 2017 at the Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco, on occasion of the closing of an anthological exhibition dedicated to the artist. The Catalogue offers a repertoire of Stefanoni’s artistic production from 1965 to 2016, and is divided into chapters, ranging from the Reflections series to the Untitled works, and ending with the artist’s sculptures. The volume also contains previously unpublished articles by Valerio Dehò and Elena Pontiggia, and an essay by Arturo Schwarz. The registry is care of Ornella Mignone, whereas the enticing “biography by images” was compiled by the artist himself.

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